
Loonatoona: Australian Surreal Absurd Fantasy Comedy Screenplay by Shockadelic

Loonatoona :  Surreal, Schizo, Strayan (and a little Sex) What if Monty Python had made Muriel's Wedding? Hello....

Monday 10 October 2016

Best Screenplay award winner StoneFair International Film Festival.

Loonatoona was the Winner of Best Written Screenplay at the 2016 StoneFair International Film Festival.

Since I won, I figured I may as well pay the extra ten bucks and get their feedback. Here are the highlights.

Concept 4.5/5
Storyline 3/5
Characters 4/5 
Dialogue 4.5/5
Commerciality 2.5/5
Subject’s genuineness 5/5
Array of meanings for the script 4/5
Attractiveness for public 4/5

“a truly crazy ride”
“carefully crafted”
“completely non-PC”
“much more complex than at first sight”
“Every scene has its purpose”
“the often nonsensical mix of elements... is purposely placed”
“characters... are over-the-top”
"everything might not seem as chaotically impossible as it first looked"
“The dialogues are a big success of the screenplay”
“incredibly funny”
“The commercial appeal... is a debatable subject”
“the rather chaotic, absurd nature”
“the extreme sexualization... (although no... explicit content is actually shown) might be off-putting”
“Australian [jokes]... an international audience might at times be left guessing”
“extremely fresh and novel”
“Everything... is very genuine
“a special atmosphere which sets it completely apart”
“parodies... in an intelligent way”
“oozing with delicious underlying contexts”
“very content-rich and enjoyable”
“others might see it as complete nonsense
“A sort of combination between an early Coen brothers work... and a Lynchian ‘Twin Peaks’... mixed in with a specifically Australian flavor”
“a 'love it or hate it' affair

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