
Loonatoona: Australian Surreal Absurd Fantasy Comedy Screenplay by Shockadelic

Loonatoona :  Surreal, Schizo, Strayan (and a little Sex) What if Monty Python had made Muriel's Wedding? Hello....

Wednesday 17 May 2017

2017 Texas International Film Festival Finalist

My screenplay Loonatoona is a Finalist in the 2017 Texas International Film Festival.

2017 Short Stop International Film Festival, 2nd Runner Up, Best Screenplay (Written)

My screenplay Loonatoona is 2nd Runner Up, Best Screenplay (Written) (i.e. 3rd) in the 2017 Short Stop International Film Festival.

Child abuse PSA PIF Public service announcement

I have made two simple, first person sympathetic messages for abused children (not their abuser), not made to win design awards.
The words are easily understood and 3 main elements are repeated:

1. The abusive parent is "broken". Even very young children know "broken" things can't magically fix themselves. Children hope the situation will change. They need to know it won't, not without help.

2. The child is not to blame, it's not their fault.

3. They can tell someone.